Drama erupted online involving two women linked to Rev. Muthee Kiengei of JCM Church. The situation involves Kiengei’s second wife, Joy Kiengei, and a businesswoman named Dama wa Spares, who sells mobile phone spares. Dama is suspected of having a relationship with Kiengei, the founder of JCM Church.

Dama, who is also an outspoken blogger, has not hesitated to express her thoughts online. The conflict between her and Joy Kiengei has caught the attention of many, particularly on Kikuyu blogs. Dama, who is said to support the church financially, has been openly taunting Joy through songs and social media posts.

In one instance, Dama posted a video on TikTok where she and a friend sang a Kikuyu song that implies a woman without wisdom will fail. The song also suggests that a lazy woman’s household will collapse. Dama further took a jab at Joy on Facebook, warning her not to engage in a battle she can’t win.

In response, Joy posted a video where she sang a song attacking Dama, calling her a “devil” and warning that the pain Dama has caused her will eventually return to her.

Muthee Kiengei, who is also a comedian, radio host, and events MC, had to disable comments on his Facebook profile and that of his church due to the online drama. Many people urged him to step in and address the situation involving the two women.

Kiengei later posted on Facebook, using a metaphor to describe himself as a powerful man who leaves a significant impact wherever he goes. Some online commentators believe Dama is fighting for recognition within the church, referring to herself as the “matron” and often matching her attire with Kiengei’s during church services.

In an effort to defend Dama, a well-known blogger praised her character, highlighting her empathy, responsibility, and charitable works, which have reportedly benefited many in the community.

By Kenyans

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