Chimano has released a brand new song that is very interesting. The guy has released a brand new song that does what he enjoys doing: teasing Lil Nas X vibes and I have to say that I really enjoy it when he does this because of two reasons -the first being that he seems to be having a lot of fun and the second that he gives me content to talk about.
Sauti Sol’s Chimano swinging both ways? He responds
So if you don’t know what I am talking about, allow me to elucidate. The baritone voiced singer released a song called Friday Feeling that is an electro slash disco jam with a very bright and colourful music video that has his entire cast (which includes a lot of very rainbow flaunting cameos) dancing and gyrating in -let’s just say- suggestive ways.
Another hint from Chimano
I can already imagine the furore the video has raised in certain circles that aren’t too familiar with the rather loud whispers about Chimano’s orientation. Guys like former Kenya Film Board CEO, Ezekiel Mutua, must have been rendered apoplectic when they saw the video (if he has). And indeed, some of the comments with regards to the video have been right in the vein of what you would expect from a country as conservative as Kenya.
Although he also had supporters of his art:
And this is why I am so excited about the song, its video and the album for which it is the lead single. Chimano is going to force Nairobians to have a very uncomfortable debate that is very necessary. I say Nairobians because anyone who has spent a significant amount of time outside the expat and pretentious quasi-intelligentsia circles of Nairobi knows that Kenya is still firmly conservative.


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