Lungalunga residents who attended President William Ruto’s rally at Mwananyamala Industrial park on Saturday were left laughing as the head of state turned down the offer from one woman who attended her rally in the area.
The woman had offered to give President William Ruto a place to sleep after the crowd demanded that the President should return to the region tomorrow. Ruto jokingly said that he wanted a place to spend his night instead of going to Mombasa State Lodge and returning to the Kwale again the following day.
However, after the women raised her hands and accepted host the President, Ruto quickly turned down the offer, claiming that it would give him problems with his wife, the first lady Mama Rachael Ruto.
“I am leaving today but I will return very soon. When do you want me to return?” Ruto posed before the crowd shouted back at him in unison.
“Kesho!” The crowd shouted
“If you want me to return here tomorrow then you will have to find me a place to spend my night so that I do not go and come back. Who can offer and accommodate me?” He posed again waiting for the crowd to respond
“I have seen that women saying that she can offer me a place to sleep. No I do not want that because it will give me problems with my wife Mama Rachael Ruto.” Ruto added before the crowd broke into laughter
Ruto is currently in Kwale county where he is continuing with his development tour of the Costal region that started on Thursday evening. The President has already visited Mombasa, Kilifi and now Kwale county.
By Kenyans