Kumkum Bhagya is an Indian soap opera that is aired on Inooro TV. It is a popular Hindi-language drama series that has gained a large fanbase both in India and in other countries.

The show first premiered on April 15, 2014, and has been running successfully ever since. Kumkum Bhagya revolves around the lives of the two main characters, Pragya and Abhi, and their complicated love story filled with twists and turns.


The show tackles various themes such as family, love, and relationships, and has managed to captivate audiences with its engaging storylines.

The love story has been translated into many languages with Kikuyu being the first in Kenya.

The show has been running in Inooro television for the last seven years.

The lady behind the Pragya Voice has finally spoken after doing the last episode of Kumkum Bhagya.

She says that she has managed to do 1809 episodes of the movie and has been an emotional moment for her.

By Newshub

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