Rehema Anyango, a dedicated nursing student at Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) in Bomet, embodies such integrity in her actions and choices.

One oordinary Wednesday, after a spiritual moment at her Christian Union gathering, Anyango received an unexpected deposit of KSh 32,000 on her phone.

Despite the initial excitement, her conscience pricked her with concern upon seeing the unfamiliar sender’s details. Rather than succumbing to the temptation of keeping the money, Anyango chose the path of honesty without hesitation.

Her first instinct was to contact the sender, but attempts proved futile as the number was switched off. Undeterred, she remained steadfast in her commitment to doing what was right.

Shortly thereafter, Safaricom reached out to clarify the mistaken transaction. Without hesitation, Anyango authorized the return of the funds, emphasizing her belief that using money not rightfully hers was not an option.

Even though Anyango was sponsored by well-wishers, her principles remained unshaken. She trusted in God’s provision for her needs and refused to compromise her integrity for personal gain.

In a society where moral values are often compromised for selfish reasons, individuals like Rehema Anyango serve as powerful reminders of the importance of integrity and responsibility.

Her story inspires us to uphold honesty in our own lives, leaving a legacy of virtue and goodwill for generations to come.

Anyango’s actions remind us that integrity is not just about doing the right thing when it’s convenient; it’s about staying true to our principles even when faced with difficult choices.

By Newsmedia

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