A tragic incident unfolded in Nzambani Town, Kitui County, where a 27-year-old businessman took his life in his shop after reportedly losing Ksh 50,000 to gambling.
The man, whose shop had been his primary source of livelihood, reportedly used business funds to place several high-stake bets, all of which ended in losses.Witnesses mentioned that, in the hours leading up to the incident, the businessman appeared visibly distressed while attending to customers, possibly a sign of the mounting pressure he faced from the financial loss.
His body was later found in the shop, leaving family, friends, and the local community in shock.
Authorities from Nzambani Police Station, responding to the incident, confirmed that no suicide note was recovered at the scene, though they have initiated further investigations.
Assistant Chief Salome Mwangi, representing Kilonzo Sub-Location, indicated that the case has raised alarm among local officials and highlighted the growing impact of gambling addictions on individuals and families.Photo: courtesy of Mbaitu FM.
She added that local leaders are urging community members to be mindful of the risks tied to betting, which can lure participants into significant financial losses with hopes of quick returns.
The body has been transferred to Kitui County Referral Hospital mortuary, where a post-mortem examination is expected.
This incident emphasises the darker side of the betting craze, which has seen a surge across Kenya, with many hoping to secure quick earnings but sometimes facing devastating financial and emotional consequences instead.
By Nairobi