In Kenya, the law states that all vehicles on road must keep left unless you are overtaking, there is an accident on the left or you are turning right and everyone must adhere to this rule.

Today, a senior cabinet secretary driving past Kitengela did not adhere to this rule and this has angered the residents since they were harassed to move out of the way to pave a path for him.

One of the prominent lawyers brought the information on twitter stating that even after stealing taxpayers money they still have the audacity to harass them.

The information has sparked a debate on twitter where some people including Boniface Mwangi said if he was on that road he could not have moved an inch and they would do nothing to him.

Some other KOT stated that the lawyer is just angry because he doesn’t have the privilege that the cabinet secretary has and that he would do the same if he was in the same position.

By admin

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