Kinyua wa Iratu is a business man in land and property sector he is also an ally to many kikuyu influential persons.
According to Mwago wa Mugikuyu Facebook page, gospel singer and church minister Sammy K was badly exposed by a DJ who claimed he ownes him 16,000 that efforts to get the money has been futile. He took to his social media platform to expose the talented singer.
Kinyua wa Iratu wrote a post addressing the issue and he said that “I will pay the debt on behalf of Sammy K for i can’t wait to see this big ministry being turnished by small debts. His songs are just amazing they have been a blessing to me for years. To all debtors sometimes we lack money, it’s good to be patient. Some situations are not permanent, never judge a temporary situation with a permanent decision.”
Kenyans in the comment section shared their views as follows. Read the story from the link below.