Kennedy Ombima aka King Kaka launched his EP ‘Happy Hour’ on Tuesday night at the Hera Aqua Gardens. The rapper was supposed to have released the EP in October but when he got sick, they changed the dates.
Speaking to Word Is, the he said,
“Today is about celebrating my life. Initially, I did not know what the title meant but right now, I know every day is a happy hour. I want to appreciate life more and I want to help people even more.”
He used his wife Nana Owiti as the cover photo of the EP as he felt he was thin to be on the cover.
“We had done a photoshoot for the cover but I was very thin and I was sick so, it was not working. We decided to call my wife since she has played a vital role in my life.”
He went on to say that he has found the new meaning of love in a partner after Owiti stood by him while going through sickness.
He went to say that he has improved health-wise months after he said he was misdiagnosed by a doctor.
“I am healthy, I can’t believe. I was 85kgs and went to 62 kg. It was crazy I was not walking, I can eat and I was not in pain, just losing weight.”
“Every moment for me is a blessing, eating, drinking even being able to raise my hand.”
“I didn’t tell anyone. I wanted to fight the battle alone. I have a circle of friendships. Sometimes not everyone is in your circle. The few who were very close were by my side.” He said, responding to whether colleagues in the entertainment industry showed him support
This is the rapper’s 13th project.


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