Renowned United Democratic Alliance party politician, Honorable Bonny Khalwale has expressed his opinion following an incident where Billionaire Rai Allegedly withdrew his case against Mumias Sugar company after President William Ruto’s remarks.
In a report that has been shared by a reliable source of information, it has been reported that President William Ruto had threatened to deal with rogue Billionaires sabotaging revival of Mumias Sugar company.
Taking to his different social media platforms to express his opinion on this topic, Bonny Khalwale has thanked President William Ruto for fighting for Mumias Sugar company.
Below are some of the comments from Kenyans who expressed their opinion on this topic.
Dan …You are among the leaders who were coerced by the sugar baron to lobby for abolishing of zoning in the sugar belts to allow the corrupt Rai to poach cane financed and planted by the government millers.. you helped him crash down the sugar industry yet you are here celebrating?
James …I would like us to review Mumias sugar in 24 months and see the progress . Government after government has poured billions into these factories and other public investments. Almost all of them end up in miserable disasters. Maybe this one will be an exception. Time will tell!
Nick …total nonesense,,,enyewe uliacha kufikiria,,, i guess your papers are illegitimate,,,, so being paid to keep quite so that the government can import sugar by closing down sugar companies is an achievement? … i pity the people of kk.
Moses …Sarrai si ni the company people and farmers of mumias were complaining about enyewe the campaign funds lazima irudi Kwa the owners.
by: CrimeBuster