Miss World Kenya Magline Jeruto, who is also the reigning Miss World Africa, leaves the country next week for Asia where she will join other continental beauties in a Beauty with a Purpose tour of the continent.
The tour will be the first since the Kenyan beauty was crowned Miss Africa late last year in Sanya, China.
She will be joined by the reigning Miss World Manushi Chillar in a breathtaking eight-day programme that will take them across the Asian continent.
The Miss World Beauty with a Purpose Project, which is also the core value of the Miss World pageant, has had hundreds of millions of dollars raised towards it in support of the sick and the disadvantaged.
“The Beauty with a Purpose project will make a huge difference in the lives of others. Jeruto’s project is autism, which she hopes to raise awareness about before the end of her reign,” says the Miss World office.
Jeruto will thereafter join the beauties on a tour to Sanya, China, from February 11 for Chinese New Year celebrations.


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