Speaking live on Radio47 during morning show hosted by celebrated veteran Radio presenters Emmanuel Mwashumbe and Alex Mwakideu, Kenya’s content creator Nick Kwach popularly known as (Baba Ryan), revelead that he is single and the lady he acts with Aicy Stevens is his (Baby Mama). His followers have always take it as what they do is just for acting in order to come up with content but to their surprise, Kwach has on Thursday morning confirmed they are not a couple.

Kwach confirmed live on air that he accidentally got a baby with Aicy when he was just a young boy at 22 years old and he was not ready at time to be a family man. He added that his baby mama is the best since she’s not a drama queen, she gives him easy time to do co-parenting of the boy Ryan.

He further went ahead and revelead that currently, he is dating a woman that possibly one of these fine days he will marry her. When asked about plans to officially make that happen, he said Kenyans should just pray for them so that the plans he has of marrying her comes to reality soon. He declined to shade more lights about her whereabouts but maintained she is there and they are fairing on well.

Kwach also spoke about his career in acting and where he comes from plus where he studied. He said, he was born and raised in Siaya county, went to Daystar University for further studies and acting is his main job.

This information has been highlighted on the official Facebook page of Radio47. [ Video].

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