Details have emerged that former Maria actress, who has since been identified as Dorea Chege, has come out in public, two years after the general elections, to disclose why she chose to step down from the race of becoming one of the woman representatives in the country.According to reports, posted on the official Facebook page, of, the talented actress, Dorea Chege, admitted that threats, and offers from politicians, made her to step down from running for the woman representative seat, as she had aspired. Away from that, Dorea Chege, also disclosed that her seven rooms house in Juja, which Is still under construction, has so far costed her a whooping three million seven hundred thousand.Kenyans and online viewers, went into the comments section, to express their mixed reactions, where some believed that threats and offers from politicians, is the reason why Kenyans end up with bad leaders, while others, asked Dorea Chege, not to give up on her aspirations, and give it a second shot.
By Newshub