Photos of renowned Kikuyu Musician Samidoh dancing with his wife in child’s birthday party have sparked Alot of mixed feelings from several Kenyans who questioned whether or not the two are in a relationship.

In a news report that has been shared by a reliable source of information, it has been revealed that the renowned Kikuyu Musician singer had been involved in a dramatic situation after his two baby mom’s got into an argument on Social media.

The wife, Edday had claimed that she was tired of being disrespected and was ready to begin a new chapter in life. Few days after, Samidoh and Nyamu were spotted together raising questions.

In the latest photo, it has been revealed that the two were spotted dancing happily raising questions among Kenyans who wanted to know if they solved their relationship issues.

The two have not Opened up about the incident, photos are being posted in different social media accounts.

by: CrimeBuster


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