Mugithi star Samidoh has left fans baffled with his latest revelations. The popular singer, known for his melodious Kikuyu ballads, claimed he has been celibate for the past ten months. Speaking during an interview, Samidoh also addressed rumors about his personal life, affirming that he is a one-woman man and dismissing allegations of promiscuity.
The statement has ignited mixed reactions among fans, many of whom are puzzled by the timeline and the implications of his declarations. Questions have been raised about how his claim of celibacy aligns with past controversies involving his relationships, which have often made headlines.
Some fans commended the singer for striving to change, while others expressed skepticism, citing his well-documented relationship dramas. On social media, the topic became a trending conversation, with fans debating whether Samidoh’s statements signify a turning point in his life or a strategic move to reshape his public image. As the conversation continues, Samidoh remains a focal point, not just for his music but also for his evolving narrative on love and relationships.
By Kenyans