Social media influencer Pritty Vishenwa popularly known as Pritty Vishy has found herself in the midst of controversy recently, facing criticism for her insensitive response to a fan’ s plea for financial assistance to purchase sanitary pads. However, Vishy later apologized and offered to provide some funds to the individual after facing backlash from both the general public and a few prominent figures.

Among celebrities who bashed Pritty Vishy was Mzungu Mwitu who argued that the response was uncalled for. Nevertheless, after apologizing and sending money to the victim, another discussion emerged when Vishy shared a screenshot of her Mpesa statement, revealing a balance of Ksh. 478 after transferring Ksh. 300 to the fan. This revelation caught the attention of Kenyans, sparking further debates and eliciting diverse reactions.

As report of the incident spread through various blogs, many Kenyans expressed shock and disbelief that influencers could find themselves in such financially challenging situations. One fan commented, ” Mpesa balance 400, kumbe maceleb wamesota tu kama sisi, ” In her statement, Pritty Vishy acknowledged that the amount she sent was relatively small but expressed hope that it would still be of some assistance to the recipient.

Vishy initially gained fame as the girlfriend of musician Stivo Simple Boy, and despite their highly publicized breakup, she has managed to maintain her celebrity status, which has helped her stay relevant. Pritty Vishy has secured various ambassadorial deals in the past, including partnerships with dental and fashion brands.

Additionally, she has launched her own fashion line called ” Pritty Closet, ” as indicated in her Instagram bio. The ongoing debate surrounding Pritty Vishy’ s actions and her financial situation has generated diverse reactions and opinions among the public. According to you, what is your thoughts on this? You are encouraged to share your opinion and perspectives on the matter in the comment section provided below.

by: martombevi

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