Bradley Marongo, better known as Mtall, is gearing up for an exciting trip to Dubai after receiving a generous invitation from Zam Zam Electronics, a well-regarded company based in Dubai. This opportunity includes full coverage for his hotel stay, visa, and flight, showcasing the company’s commitment to supporting his journey. The invitation comes shortly after Mtall’s recent activities in Mombasa, where he engaged with several businesses, highlighting his growing prominence.Bradley Marongo aka Mtall with the Zam Zam twins.

The invitation was facilitated by Director Trevor, who reached out to Abdul Ghafoor and Muhammad Shakoor, the twin entrepreneurs behind Zam Zam Electronics. Their approval of Mtall’s visit underscores their interest in extending their support to him. With the visa process underway, Director Trevor has assured that Mtall will receive his passport in time for the trip.

The news has been met with enthusiastic responses from the public. Many have praised the opportunity as a blessing, reflecting on the notion that divine intervention often plays a role in such significant moments. Supportive comments from individuals on social media emphasize the belief in the power of faith and the importance of recognizing and seizing opportunities when they arise.

In addition to this development, it was recently revealed that Mtall is 22 years old, contrary to previous claims of being 27. His mother, Monica Kelabu, has also noted that he currently lacks a national ID card. The Department of Citizen Services has expressed readiness to assist in expediting the necessary documentation, ensuring that all formalities are addressed before his departure.

By Newshub

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