May 24, 2023 – Linda Katiba Movement says it will strongly play the role as one of the foremost defenders of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and in particular, devolution.

In a press release to the media, the Linda Katiba Movement says it note with deep concern that Kenya Kwanza Government has mastered the art

of double-speak, inconsistency, incoherence and contradictory policy positions on devolution.

It details that there is a deliberate, systematic and intentional plot to reverse the devolution of power and resources as intended by the 2010 Constitution. Linda Katiba wishes to remind President William Ruto that devolution is a key cornerstone and core promise of the 2010 Constitution.

It is a direct expression of the sovereign will of the people of Kenya. It is not a generosity and or magnanimity of the National Government. Devolution reverses the system of control and authority established by the colonial powers and

continued by successive Presidents.

People of Kenya recall that President Ruto has publicly promised and committed his support for devolution including completing the full transfer of all devolved functions and corresponding funds.

“However, we note there is little or no goodwill to match the promise. It is deeply troubling that almost 10 years into devolution, the National Government still unconstitutionally exerts heavy controls and management over devolved functions.

“Further, the National Treasury has been, without justifiable and rational written explanations, frustrating the transfer and disbursement of revenue share to the County governments. This has caused untold suffering to the Public civil servants working in the County Governments and adversely affected delivery of quality services.

Kenyans remember vividly that the Independence Government killed regional government by first denying them funds. History must not be allowed to repeat itself. The National Government and Executive has been using the Treasury and National Assembly as the central instruments to stifle and derail devolution.

During the last Ninth (9th) Ordinary Session of the Summit Meeting held 10th-12th, February, 2023, It was resolved and agreed that the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee (IGRTC) shall fast track the process of identification, analysis and transfer of all pending devolved functions to the county governments in the shortest time possible.

And that IGRTC shall work jointly with key stakeholders to fast track the completion of valuation exercise of all assets related to devolved functions in the current financial year to allow for formal and final transfer of the assets.

The Summit resolved to strengthen and resource the IGTRC to efectively delivery its mandate. This is yet to happen. Linda Katiba observes that Devolution is one of the nost important constitutional instruments for achieving unity, development, economic prosperity and security of the country. Devolution is one of the main fulcrums on which Kenya’s 2010 Constitutional dispensation was negotiated on. The others are public finance that guarantees equal society and equitable development, and social and economic rights.

“To further demonstrate the constitutional significance of devolution, the 2010 Constitution demands, “Within five years after the Constitution effective date, the national government shall restructure the system of administration commonly known as the provincial administration to accord with and respect the system of devolved government established under this Constitution”.

“This is a constitutional requirement that is yet to be fulfilled. The Kenya Kwanza government led by President Ruto is determined to take Kenya back to a centralized political and economic model that Kenya e experimented with for 60 years which did not elevate Kenya from its status at independence, as a third-world country, into a first or second-world power. Instead it delivered exclusion, significantly high poverty levels, asymmetrical development patterns, and highly ethnicized politics basically a failed political culture, and a failed development paradigm.

“Devolution represents self-empowerment, freedom, opportunity, self-respect, dignity and recognition as captured succinctly in the principles and objects of devolution in Article 174 of the Constitution. We call upon Kenyans to fight for devolution and to remain vigilant to the forces that are determined to kill the promise of the Constitution 2010.” Read the statement from Linda Katiba.


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