Kate Actress has been in the acting scene for quite some time now. We met her as Selina then she became Sue and then Joyce in her various acting roles.
Through all those stage names, we have seen the babe grow not only as an actress but also as a wife, a mother, a friend and a mentor.
During the launch of Kate’s very close friend, Jackie’s nail parlor she got to meet actors of the famous Kenyan tv series, Maria.
Taking to social media, she posted a picture of her and the gorgeous actresses who were so glammed up saying,
“We finally met ? , so proud of these ghels ,yaani kujituma wanajituma weeeh ? also they called me a legend ,am old ??.”
Yasmin who plays Maria was honest enough on the comment saying meeting Kate Actress had her star-struck.
“At one point didn’t know how to act and behave to be honest ? such an amazing legend ?.”
And all Kate, the legend had was love for the beauty.


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