A source has reported that Karen Nyamu was forced to respond to a fan. This is after the fan branded her a home-wrecker.

In regard to that, he was claiming that she was the reason Samidoh’s wife, Edday, relocated to the US. Nyamu posted and asked who even made her move from her place.

It’s funny how women attack fellow women when their men cheat instead of holding the men accountable for their actions.

A netizen has said, I don’t like getting into matters concerning people but what I know is karma knows everyone’s doorstep. Another has said, those saying that they will pay, the law of nature doesn’t work that way. I have seen people thrive.

It’s shame for a public figure to go about talking aimlessly. Samidoh is the one who owes loyalty and faithfulness to his wife just as he promised her on the wedding day. Seems that he is consciously betraying all the marriage vows.

by: Paulinew

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