For about one month, famous kikuyu gospel artist Elizabeth Nyambere has not been in good terms with her only son Stanley Maina.

Elizabeth Nyambere has been accusing her son of stealing all her money for her bank account. Elizabeth said that she has been even Sleeping hungry together with her another sick daughter.

Elizabeth has been begging money from her friends, he is even living in a house with rent arrears. It reach a point when Elizabeth said that she regrets giving birth to Maina.

Also Elizabeth has been accusing her son of hacking all her social media platforms and bring them down whenever she wants to address this issue.

Now, Karangu Wa Muraya has brought Maina and his mother together, they gave stayed for 5 months without seeing each other.

After Karangu brought them together, he said that he can not judge anybody without hearing from each side. He later asked Maina and his mother to tell people what is true.

He went ahead and asked Elizabeth Nyambere to forgive her son if he is wrong.


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