Karangu Muraya, a well-known Kenyan philanthropist and content creator, recently responded humorously to a fan who jokingly inquired about him marrying a third wife. This playful exchange occurred after Karangu introduced his second wife, Carol Kim, to the public. The fan, perhaps intrigued by his ability to balance multiple relationships, asked if a third wife was on the horizon. Karangu, known for his witty and lighthearted personality, replied, “Kuja na nguo nitakuoa,” which translates to “Come with your clothes, I will marry you.”

This playful response from Karangu sparked a mix of reactions among his fans, with many finding his humor refreshing and entertaining. His ability to keep things light while interacting with his followers has made him a beloved figure on social media. In addition to his philanthropic work, Karangu continues to engage with his audience in a relatable and approachable way, ensuring that his public persona remains engaging.

By Tuko

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