Kanze Dena has opened up about how she almost gave up her child for adoption after getting pregnant shortly after completing her secondary education.During an interview with Parents Magazine, she explained that it was a very difficult moment for her.

She went into detail revealing how scared she was after finding out that she was pregnant. According to Kanze, at the time getting pregnant before being married was considered a taboo.To make things worse, her mother was very strict and she had to find a way to hide her pregnancy.

Fortunately for the journalist, her mother enrolled her to college and she now stayed in a hostel.However, she knew that in the long run her mother would soon discover she was expecting a child and giving up her child for adoption was the only way out.

“The very first time, I found out that I was pregnant, I thought I was going to die.I was only 19 years old.To start off, I was raised in a community that stigmatized ladies that got pregnant before getting married, so it was a taboo to get children out of wedlock.Secondly, my mother was very strict and I had to find a way to hide the pregnancy and that’s when this crazy idea of giving up my child for adoption came up.” Kanze Dena stated.

Kanze with the help of nurses in Pumwani hospital finalized the adoption process and the only thing that was remaining was to give birth.Few months later, she started getting contractions and took herself to Pumwani hospital where she had already been assigned a nurse.

“I had been assigned a nurse who would take the child immediately after I gave birth. I was not supposed to hold the child to avoid forming a bond. However things took a different turn and the nurse allowed me to hold my child. Back at home, my friend had already informed my parents and relatives and they immediately came when I gave birth.That’s how I ended up not giving up my child for adoption.” Kanze stated.

By Newshub

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