A lot of drama has been happening the last couple of days and chief advocate of Baby girl’s Kamene Goro is to say the very least displeased by it all.
“It is time for us to have a conversation na leo nimejama (and today I am upset)” Kamene said before starting today’s segment of Babes.
“Baby girl stop embarrassing yourself, because what happens when you embarrass yourself? You embarrass all of us and then we all get put into that nasty little box you want to create for yourself,” Kamene said.
She went on to add that even though she had voiced the same concerns on Saturday she felt the need to repeat herself once again.
” When that ka little devil of being dramatic and causing wahala starts to come out, under the influence or not do not do it! Don’t!” Kamene advised clearly disappointed.
She went on to highlight how there are already nasty stereotypes about women all over the world and it is hard for women to get ahead under these circumstance.
” Either you are a slay queen, a ratchet, under-qualified, you’re too beautiful for the job or not and so on and so forth… all these things are piled and leveled up against us then you actually go and fall into the same narrative. Stop embarrassing yourself,” Kamene urged with utmost concern .
The Baby Girl CEO added that it does not matter whether you can justify or explain the situation or not, embarrassing yourself is really not worth it.
” Baby girl you really need to learn to control yourself, the thing about being a woman is there’s this thing called restraint. What sets us apart from the rest is that we have the power of restraint. Men have their ego, they have tempers, they have male machismo and what not but we have restraint, ” Kamene said.
Adding that as women so much more is expected of us. Urging ladies to listen to that second voice in their brains that usually whispers do not do that.
The radio babe went on to add that some of the mistakes we fall into are detrimental and can not be fixed which end up hurting our images for eons to come.
She said she was offering this advise from a “I’ve been there,” point of view. Asking ladies to learn from her.