Kamene and Obinna have proved that they are not only co-hosts but friends on and off air.
The two have time and again opened up about being friends and close for many years even before Kamene replaced Jalang’o on The Morning Kiss.
Kamene was put to task just to challenge her on how much she knows Obinna.
The radio queen was asked a number of quick fire questions regarding Obinna’s hobbies, what he loves and hates and it is quite interesting that Kamene nailed all the questions!
Check out the questions by our social media manager and Kamene’s answers.
What’s obinna’s favorite meal? Ugali fish mboga and mala
What does Obinna do at his free time? He eats, goes to the gym and hangout with his kids and if he is stressed he goes to get a massage.
What Obinna hates: He hates umama, chipped nails or even when you piss me off.
One thing that Obinna always says: Wampoooto!
What Obinna likes to do: He dances around the mall.
When is Obinna’s birthday? Sixth june and he is turning 32!