Kamene and Obinna decided to tackle the big reveal that was Azimio’s manifesto, yesterday at Nyayo Stadium.
Obinna going through the manifesto filled Kamene in on what was outlined in the document as they both dissected it.
Well, it was more of Obinna reading to Kamene what was written while she shared her two cents and voiced concerns that other Kenyans had.
“There is zero tolerance for corruption,” Obinna read out to which Kamene replied, “When have they ever promised that and delivered by the way?”
Obinna jokingly tried defending them by letting Kamene know that this was a new one and they were saying it a fresh right now.
To which a totally disgruntled Kamene said, “I feel like I have heard this manifesto before… all of them come to us with this manifesto.”
Obinna picked another item from the manifesto, the reduced cost of living, to which Kamene just like a million other Kenyans asked how they were planning on achieving that.
“How are you going to do that? Right now we are badly crying, things are bad,” Kamene said.
Obinna still playing the devil’s advocate told her to wait for Baba to take the seat then we’ll see.
But Kamene was not having it, ” But he is already inside (the government/with power) as it is…” Kamene complained.
“Hayuko ndaaani ndaani…. ako in the feri feri (he is not in the inner circle, he’s just in the surrounding)” Obinna told his co-host.
Obinna went on to mention other details outlined in the manifesto like free education for all, universal health care, food security, free, independent media, and water for all.
” So any-who that is the manifesto pledge?” Obinna said.
Wouldn’t we all love to see that?
Listeners were asked if they thought if the targets in the manifesto were attainable.
Below are a few comments:
@jeffJerry: It was the biggest joke I have ever heard
@Junior: Free education to campus… really ??
@Angwenyi: I doubt
@Austine Wanjiru: No Nooo
@Gilbert K Ngeno: Nothing new we are expecting from Raila, he is not an angle in Jerusalem. I know him, we know he is a big conman.