Today, Andrew Kibe and Kamene Goro had a fast and loose debate about female contraceptives and the effect they have on libido and intergender dynamics as a whole.
According to Andrew Kibe, contraceptives affect a woman’s libido. This is a problem in the context of relationships.
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And what does that mean? Men have to go elsewhere to satisfy their sexual needs and you end up inevitably hearing women complain about being cheated on like they are not the cause of the problem.
And what was Kamene Goro saying about all this? Well that women had rather del with contraceptives and low libido than dealing with dead beat dads…
Why do the pills affect libido though? Well because…
Most birth control pills contain the female hormones estrogen and progestin. They’re often called combined pills. The types and amounts of hormones vary, but they all tinker with the way your body works.
Many combined pills lower your testosterone. That’s the hormone that makes you want to have sex. You probably think of testosterone as a guy hormone. Women have it, too, just not as much. Most women who take the pill still make enough testosterone to have a healthy love life. But if you’re low to begin with, your sex drive could take a hit.