Obinna must have lived a few lives because he has experienced so much for such a young man.
He’s encountered all sorts of people including a friend who just introduced his side dish to his main. Ladies and gentlemen we might have a new Mzee Kibor in our hands.
Obinna says the said man is a wealthy enough to have two lovers and was left shocked when the main wife stormed out of her matrimonial home after listening to her hubby’s proposal.
“First of all I am offended because this man had the confidence and respected her enough to come and tell her, by the way I want a second wife out of respect and didn’t want to hide that he had another woman,” Obinna said.
Kamene thinks by suggesting that, Obinna is either high or crazy for supporting the absurd idea. She says she’d rather the man not introduce the babe and do it Chino ya maji.
Funny thing a number of callers were for the idea to curb drama in future.
A male caller from Mombasa said, “in Mombasa we always introduce our side chics to the main. When there’s a problem we say bibi akileta kiburi unapandisha nyumba ndogo cheo.”
Mjukuu said, “before ufanye hivo jaribu kuangalia macho yako ilichungulia which type..kuna watu huwezi ambia Ivo utadedi.
Kamene at least found consolation from one caller who sided with her.
He said that he supports the idea of one man one woman for the sake of peace of mind for both parties.
“I’m a one woman man and I wouldn’t dare because it’s demeaning to a woman,” said the man.