For weeks now, Narc Kenya Party leader Martha Karua has been giving activities of the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance a wide breadth, fueling speculations that she is no longer interested on matters Azimio, and is keen on her Kamwene leadership forum.

Speaking on Tuesday after a meeting of the Azimio principals led by the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Wiper boss Kalonzo Musyoka revealed that Karua had travelled outside the country yesterday, and could therefore not make it for the meeting and the press briefing.

“… Just to mention that our sister Martha Karua travelled to Dar es Salaam last night, should otherwise been here with us. We have her apology,” said Kalonzo.

During the meeting, the leaders criticized President William Ruto’s taxation policies, saying they are hurting Kenyans, and as Azimio, they will not allow the government to add more taxes.

At the same time, they welcomed parliament’s move to adopt the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report, saying it should be implemented as it is, since it will solve a number of issues that have been affecting the country.

They also welcomed the support by East African Community presidents towards Raila Odinga’s African Union Commission chairmanship bid, saying as a coalition, they are solidly in support of Raila’s candidature.

The meeting was attended by Raila, Kalonzo, the Minority leader in the National Assembly Opiyo Wandayi, former presidential candidate George Wajackoyah and the Democratic Action Party of Kenya leader Eugene Wamalwa.

Others are former Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya, KANU political affairs secretary Fred Okang’o, ODM deputy party leader Wycliffe Oparanya and former Murang’a Governor Mwangi Wa Iria.

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