Kabi wa Jesus boasted that he would never be discovered cheating on his wife Milly and vowed he would never do so. The father of three also disclosed that he DMs women who approach him with the goal of making out with him. In 2021, the couple faced difficulties when it was revealed that Kabi had fathered a different child with his cousin prior to his marriage to Milly.
The father of three also disclosed that nothing prevents him from cheating on his wife, so he blocks women who send him nasty messages via direct message. How Kabi wa Jesus handles prospective lovers In 2021, Kabi and his spouse Milly went on camera to express their grief over being singled out by others who denied Kabi’s fatherhood over a child they had been accused of fathering.
A few days later, he came to terms with the DNA findings and promised to raise his child while they worked toward their family’s reconciliation. Kabi swore he would never cheat on his wife in an interview with Oga Obinna. He even boasted about how certain he is that it will never happen. “Let me be clear: I am not a cheater. I’m not able to lie. I really can’t make out with another girl. I am unable to. It’s not feasible,” he declared.
He responded, “I think because of my position, it is very rare,” when asked if women messaged him frequently. If someone writes something goofy, I immediately block them. Someone might remark, “Kabi, you’re always attractive or hot.”