Yesterday, Amber Ray alleged that the reason she dumped her ex-lover Kabba was that he was broke and not her type.
In a post on her Instagram, Amber said he would soon upgrade and get a new man who would her life better.
“I don’t know who needs to hear this but…The woman who didn’t marry you because you were poor or not her type, will most likely find a good nice man who fits her criteria and live happily ever after.”
Amber added;
“No, she won’t suffer or regret. Stop watching too many Sierra Leone movies.”
Well, her Sierra Leone ex-lover Kabba said he did not say he was rich as she was the one who approached him to be with her.
“I did not know you never heard of you I was on my own when you came to me and told me that you want to date me,” he said.
Kabba added;
“I never told you that I am not rich but I have something going on for myself and you did a lot of rich boyfriends before why did you leave them, I am not a rich man and I will never fix my life to impress a new woman in his life. I have something going on for myself not to impress women.”
In the past, Kabba had alleged that she has used Juju on her.
“I’m a free man like Mandela. The juju didn’t stay long on me thanks God for helping me.” The Sierra Leonean wrote.
In his post, he went on to swear how he would never go to Kambaland;
“I wonder why a lot of people out there think that is only men that use women, women are very very dangerous. Right now Kambaland is the place I will never want to visit in my life there is something about that place that is not right.”
He then alleged that the veteran socialite does not shower.…/2022-06-12-kabba-responds-to…/