Judy Nyawira was excited to reunite with her daughter Mumbus after she returned home from school. Mumbus was happy to return home after the closure of schools around the country.
Judy Nyawira enjoys a close relationship with her daughter Mumbus. They have maintained a strong bond over the years. They often spend time together.
Mumbus is currently studying in secondary school. She joined her new school few months ago. She completed her primary school education few months ago. She performed well in the exams and secured a spot in a prestigious secondary school.
Judy Nyawira is married to talented actor Abel Mutua. They have been married for the last fifteen years. They dated for several years before getting married. They are blessed with one daughter. They enjoy a close relationship.
Abel Mutua and Judy Nyawira have been supporting their young daughter Mumbus for a long time. They have been involved in the life of their daughter since she was young. They are committed to their parental responsibility.
Judy Nyawira creates time for her family despite her busy work schedule. She has managed to create the right balance between her work and family. She is determined to support her family members.
By Newsmedia