Judy Mutave, a city hairdresser, made headlines after suing Bishop David Muriithi of House of Grace Church for child support. She had a child with the flamboyant preacher in 2018 after an on-and-off romance.Judy claimed Sh100,000 in monthly support for her kid and requested that the court order Muriithi to pay the boy’s Kiota School fees. She was also looking for Sh1,000 for a salon, Sh5,000 for entertainment, Sh3,000 for utilities, Sh2,000 for the boy’s toys, Sh20,000 per month for food and shopping, Sh35,000 for house rent, and Sh11,000 for clothing. To avoid the public drama, Bishop Muriithi consented to provide child support as his baby mom wanted.
Judy Mutave, a city hairdresser, is living a comfortable life after renowned city preacher Bishop David Muriithi of House of Grace Church consented to provide her with monthly child support. Judy dragged the flamboyant preacher to court, demanding Ksh 100,000 per month in child support. She also requested Sh1,000 for the salon, Sh5,000 for entertainment, Sh3,000 for electricity, Sh2,000 for the boys’ toys, Sh20,000 per month for food and shopping, Sh35,000 for housing rent, Sh11,000 for clothing, and Sh10,000 for housekeeping. Muriithi caved in to her demands to avoid being humiliated in public. She now has a fantastic life and even has a car.