Jua Cali is an amazing husband who appreciates his wife for everything she does for the family.
and on her born day October 12th, he has dedicated a sweet message to her, telling of his adoration for Lily.
He took to Instagram to pay tribute
“Watu wangu help me wish my lovely wife a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Thank you for being you. Thank you for being the light of the family. Thank you for the prayers. Thank you for representing us well in public. Thank you for being a great mum to our kids. Thank you for the strength you give me to push on in this tough industry. Shukran kwa kuniwekea makeUp kwa video shoot zangu he he he. Proud of you for always following your dreams and I will always support you ? percent.
This is a very special day for you may you live to blow a thousand candles. Enjoy kabisa!!! Tunakupenda Happy birthday”
The romantic message lets us know Juacali has a soft side and will let the world see it.


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