Stalking has become a topic of conversation in this country. The reason for that is the aftermath of the violent death of Ivy Wangeci, the Moi University medical student who was killed last year.
The man behind her killing is believed to have been a stalker, a man that was infatuated with her. That leads to the question concerning the different types of stalkers around.
They are:
The first is the rejected stalker
This type has experienced the unwanted end of a close relationship, most likely with a romantic partner, but also with a parent, work associate or acquaintance.
Ater this particular type try to reconcile and are rebuffed, they frequently seek revenge.
The intimacy seeker
This type normally identifies a person, often a complete stranger, as their true love and begins to behave as if they are in a relationship with that person.
The incompetent stalker
This type is normally socially inept and hopes that their actions that show that they love and care for their victim will be reciprocated. They, however, know that they have little chance of their victim falling for them but they still try.
The resentful stalker
This type often believes that they are the victim (that they have been treated unfairly) in their scenario as their overtures have been denied by the object of their affection.
The predatory stalker
This type has no desire for a relationship with their victims but they take delight in having power over their victim. They find joy in getting information about their victim and fantasizing about assaulting them physically, and most frequently sexually.
Red flags:
-When a person immediately starts getting several phone calls or emails right after meeting the person(stalker).
-If the person is clingy, controlling, or upset if you want to spend time with friends and family.
Ways of dealing with the presumed stalker:
-“Don’t make any sudden moves,” says psychologist Faith Mwanza. By rejecting that person, there is a chance of violence.
-Also, cut off all possible avenues of communication.
-Be proactive and tell everyone you know what you suspect is going on, be it family, friends and the police.