The death of Jeff Mwathi remains a mystery, with many questions unanswered. His girlfriend Faith Gutariria has broken the silence and revealed more details surrounding the death of Jeff Mwathi.
Jeff Mwathi’s girlfriend called DJ Faxto after learning that Jeff was missing. She revealed that the last conversation with Jeff was around 3:45 am before he was found dead the following day. After receiving information about Jeff’s disappearance, Faith contacted DJ Faxto to inquire about his whereabouts. She said that Faxto was rude during the conversation and said that the police will update her on the situation.
“We ngoja polisi watakupigia ama nitakupigia,” DJ Faxto said.
According to reports, Jeff Mwathi fell from the 10th floor leading to his death. Jeff was in DJ Faxto’s house when the incident happened.
CS Kithure Kindiki has ordered DCI boss Amin Mohamed to dispatch detectives to investigate the death of Jeff Mwathi.
by: @mochache