After a whole year of grinding, running up and down trying to make ends meet finally December gives us the opportunity to pump a bit of brakes.
This is the moment you are allowed to sit back, relax, travel, take a deep breath and enjoy whatever you have been working for or towards since the beginning of the year.
During his wake up call this morning, Jalas encouraged his listeners to forget all about the troubles they have been through, what they lost due to Covid-19 and the restrictions and just enjoy life.
“December is the month where you are supposed to appreciate yourself, yaani kupigia mwili pole. Appreciating the hard work that you put throughout the year.” Jalang’o said.
Referencing to Bien’s ‘Mbwembwe’ song, Jalas says before we expect others to appreciate us we need to appreciate and love ourselves first.
“When people see that you respect yourself they’ll know that you put yourself first and will appreciate you. If you come first they will always treat you as first.” Added Jalang’o.
Now go out there and appreciate yourself because the mbwe mbwe mood is what we are preaching all this month!


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