Today’s Jalang’o’s wake up call to his listeners was just a quick and simple reminder to always spend time with people they love.
This, he says applies to people who always find themselves entangled in relationships that don’t matter to them or more like unhealthy friendships.
He said,
“Life is short spend more time with the people you love, people who bring positive energy to you. You see today you are here tomorrow you are not. To make it at least longer, smile more spend time with people you love.”
Jalang’o says those are the things that you will hold dearly and what others will hold dearly when you are dead and gone.
Stop being with people who kill your vibe, stop being with people who hate you or being around people who want to make you look good. Stop being around people who criticize everything that you do.
His parting shot was that we should be around people who matter since they don’t care and that those who care don’t care.
If that won’t make you evaluate your relationships this morning, then I don’t know what will.