Jalang’o’s Luo fest went down last weekend. The highly anticipated event was a highlight for many with memorable music and moments like KRG the Don’s helicopter entrance or pregnant Karen Nyamu regaling fans with her dance moves.
But despite it all, there are some bloggers saying that it wasn’t a success? When asked about this by journalists, Jalang’o retorted,
“You were there, was it a flop or not?” he started.
“Have you hated somebody until when they do something, you look for ways to chokora them? Everybody was happy. The rains are something that you can’t control. You can’t tell me that we could have planned for the rains. We did the show until 6 and then the rain dropped. It didn’t even look like it was going to rain.”
Have you heard like anyone was robbed from? Don’t forget this is a ground that has a reputation for being unsafe. We did a perfect event. We had good security, good seating…but maybe the time that we got overwhelmed was that so many tickets were sold. We even brought more chairs. But that is how events are.”
The popular MC and aspiring politician then concluded that one couldn’t always please everyone,
“This is the 10th edition of Luo fest. But there are people who the whatever you do. In fact, if you aren’t hated I don’ know who you are? If you want to be loved by everyone, sell weed or ice cream. At the end of the day, we do what we do, we don’t care what people say, we keep pushing.”
So did Edgar Obare hate Jalang’o (since BNN where the alleged rumours of Luo Fest being a flop had emanated from) was run by the blogger?
Edgar Obare posing
Image: Courtesy
He agreed saying,
“If they are the ones running it, then yes. Because how can you write something like that about an event that everyone out here was happy about? We can’t control the rains.”