Jacky Matubia, beloved Kenyan actress and star of Zora, has stunned fans with her raw and emotional revelations during an exclusive interview on Lessons At 30 with Dr. Ofweneke. Known for her on-screen charm, Matubia peeled back the curtain on her private life, sharing a candid perspective on her second marriage and the journey that led her there.
“When my first marriage ended, I told myself never again,” she confessed, her voice heavy with emotion. “I had built walls so high; I couldn’t imagine opening myself to that kind of vulnerability a second time.”
Matubia admitted that her second marriage was never part of her plan. She believed her heart had retired from romance, choosing instead to focus on her career and motherhood. But life had other plans. “It took a lot of unlearning and learning to even entertain the idea of a relationship, let alone marriage,” she said.
The actress also shared how her thirties have been a transformative decade. “Turning 30 hit differently. I started asking myself hard questions—about love, happiness, and what truly matters.” She credited therapy and a strong support system for helping her navigate life’s toughest challenges.
The conversation turned motivational as Matubia encouraged women to prioritize self-love and healing. “It’s okay to put yourself first. You can’t pour from an empty cup.”
As she wrapped up the interview, Matubia emphasized the importance of resilience and authenticity. “My story isn’t perfect, but it’s mine. I’m proud of every chapter.”
Jacky Matubia’s heartfelt account reminds us all of the power of reinvention and the courage it takes to face our fears head-on.
By Nairobi