Bob Mureithi, husband to ex-Tahidi high actress Izareeh has opened up on how it feels to raise boys.
He however says if he was to get a baby girl, he would spoil her rotten.
Speaking during an interview with Wakavinye on Njugush’s Youtube channel Bob says he was very excited when he learned they were expectant.
“She was very moody because we were not planning for it (pregnancy).
She gave me the kit and I slept because I thought she was joking.
She asked ‘Unajua ni nini hiyo nimekupatia?’ I put on the lights and saw two lines.
That was the instant I realized that a big change was about to happen in my life. But she was very mad.
I slept smiling.”
Bob added, “We did not plan for the baby so we had to make changes by ‘force’ in our home, financially, etc.
There was a challenge of what would happen if we got a son yet Njoki had another son.
I had to see a therapist to guide me on how to look at this situation.
I wanted to understand how to relate with both kids.”
Izareeh and her husband Bob Mureithi
Bob says he loves taking care of the kids adding that not many people know he is not the father of Izaree’s firstborn son.
“I am a father of two one is turning 9 and the second born is turning five in December.
My first born son is ‘adopted (born from Izareeh’s first marriage).
I enjoy being a father of boys.”


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