Phyllis Mbuthia is one of popular Kikuyu Gospel artist. She recently lost her Youtube Channel which had more than three hundred thousand followers. Today Dennis Itumbi, Senator of Nyandarua Methu, Ndungu Nyoro and Michael Google Kenya have worked together and recovered Mbuthia’s account. Phyllis Mbuthia posted the following message, “At this time exactly 02:05 am Kenyan time, I have recovered my Google Account. Now pending @phyllis Mbuthia Official channel on YouTube. Review taking place after which we shall all be able to watch like we never left.

I will be doing a video to Help other YOU TUBERS to safeguard their channels from my experience and ways to recover it from my Current experience.

Many thanks to Mr Dennis Itumbi, Kaba Methu Senator Nyandarua, @ Michael google kenya and Mr Steve Crown Ke Ndungu Nyoro.

I know who did it , he has been my friend for long so close that he was 1st to call. I leave him to God coz he destroyed that of my Kids too but I was silent for the sake of peace.. He has helped me in many ways but am sure there is a long list with God of people he has caused extreme pain. He is the best pretender I have met in my life but am at peace, because my God is Both The prime witness and The prime Judge so I leave him in Gods hands.”


by: Yusufucarpenter

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