There was major moshene on Classic 105 on Friday morning, all courtesy of side chicks who called in saying why they target married men.
Maina delved into the topic of why side chick agree to date married men and many confessed that it’s all because he has money.
One woman called in saying “we never date broke married men, only the ones with money, why would I go for a broke man?”
Maina sought to know from single girls why they go for married men.
“So now this morning we want to know single girls, why do we entertain married men? There is nothing he is offering you apart from money. Do you honestly think that a married man will leave his wife for you? When a married man tells you I love you do you believe him?”
This elicited all sorts of responses from single girls who called in with their experience.
A second woman echoed the thoughts of the first female caller saying it’s all about his money and how they chop it.
“The only remaining responsible men are the married ones, we want one who is ready made, we no longer want to grow with a single broke man”
A third woman set tongues wagging saying
“We don’t go to them, the married men come to us on their own, siwezi entertain kama ako broke, kama ako a broke married man, siwezi muentertain, hio pesa ndio nataka, even if he tells me I love you do you know how I respond? I says thanks!”