Isaac Otesa, famously known as the “Bungoma Goliath” due to his towering height, has finally found hope after a challenging period in Nairobi. Homeless and struggling to survive without food or shelter, Otesa’s plea for help resonated with many. Fortunately, former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko, renowned for his charitable nature, heard his cry and has stepped in to offer much-needed support.
Otesa’s story gained widespread attention after he revealed how life in Nairobi had been a constant struggle, despite his unique physical stature making him stand out. However, recognition alone was not enough to secure his well-being. Determined to turn Otesa’s life around, Sonko pledged to not only provide basic necessities but also empower him to regain stability and dignity.
Additionally, Sonko has promised to investigate claims that Otesa’s former manager misappropriated funds from endorsement deals that were intended for his benefit. If these allegations are proven, Otesa could recover his rightful earnings and secure his financial future
This act of generosity has sparked hope for a brighter future for Otesa, transforming his narrative from one of despair to one of redemption. Sonko’s intervention is a powerful reminder of the impact of compassion and advocacy. For Otesa, the message is clear: Mambo yake iko sorted!
By Nairobi