One initiate has died while eight others are admitted at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret following complications they developed while in seclusion shrines after circumcision.

One of the eight admitted is in ICU suffering from Tetanus while the others in wards are suffering from Sepsis complications caused by infections.

MTRH CEO Dr Phillip Kirwa confirmed the death and admissions at the hospital.

“Most of those we have admitted are from Uasin Gishu but others are from the neighbouring counties,” Kirwa said.

He said the admitted initiates are in stable condition under treatment.

This comes amid the ongoing circumcision period for the Kalenjin community in most parts of the Rift Valley region.

Thousands of youth have undergone the traditional cut and are now in seclusion camps where medics have warned of a possible spike in infections due to poor hygiene and heavy rains in some areas where the camps are located.

The circumcision usually takes place during the December holidays when schools are closed.

Before the onset of the exercise, Uasin Gishu County had carried out training for elders and handlers at the seclusion camps in a bid to avert such cases of infections.

Kirwa said following similar tragedies last year, a task force with the counties and provincial administration was tasked to visit the seclusion areas and asses the hygiene measures in place, nutrition practices, surgical skills of the circumcisers, waste management, and other issues.

The team had also carried sensitisation on the measures necessary to prevent the complications.

The report was shared with the church leaders and local government officials and opinion leaders.

He said that from the current trend, the intervention measures has had some significant impact because compared to last year, there were over 40 admissions and five deaths at the same stage in the circumcision period last year.

Uasin Gishu County Health Executive Abraham Serem said all health officers have been put on alert following the reported cases of infections at the seclusion camps.

The government has also ordered the inspection of circumcision shrines in Uasin Gishu where more than 3,000 youth have undergone circumcision.

Uasin Gishu County Commissioner Eddyson Nyale also directed chief and elders to inspect the shrines in the region and ensure they are safe for the initiates.

Nyale said the move was to ensure the shrines are safe and meet health requirements.

Nyale said although the traditional rites of passage were highly safeguarded by the local community with few people allowed to enter the circumcision shrines, chiefs and elders from the same communities were allowed to access the area.

“We are therefore directing the chiefs and elders to inspect the shrines and ensure they are clean and fully safe,” Nyale said.

Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii had also ordered the enforcement of safety measures ahead of circumcision rites for the youth.

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