Encountering an elephant on your farm can be both awe-inspiring and potentially dangerous. These majestic creatures are known for their size and strength, and it’s crucial to respond appropriately to ensure the safety of both the elephant and yourself. Here are five important steps to take immediately when you see an elephant on your farm:
Stay Calm and Quiet: Your first instinct might be fear, but it’s essential to remain as calm and quiet as possible. Sudden movements, loud noises, or panicked behavior can startle the elephant and lead to a more unpredictable situation.
Observe From a Safe Distance: Maintain a safe distance from the elephant, ideally at least 100 meters away. Use binoculars or a zoom camera to observe its behavior without getting too close. Do not approach the elephant, as this can be perceived as a threat.
Alert Authorities: Contact local wildlife authorities or conservation agencies immediately to report the elephant’s presence. They will have the expertise and resources to manage the situation and ensure the safety of both the elephant and your farm.
Secure Livestock and Property: If you have livestock or valuable crops on your farm, take steps to secure them. Elephants might be attracted to crops, which can lead to damage. Ensure that all gates are closed, and if possible, move livestock to a secure enclosure. Elephants have been known to become agitated by the presence of dogs, so keep pets indoors.
Avoid Flashing Lights and Loud Noises: While it’s essential to alert authorities, avoid using flashing lights or loud sirens as these can agitate the elephant further. Instead, calmly describe the situation to the responders and follow their instructions.
Remember that elephants are wild animals, and their behavior can be unpredictable. It’s crucial to prioritize safety and avoid any actions that may provoke or threaten the elephant. By staying calm, observing from a distance, and promptly notifying authorities, you can help ensure a peaceful resolution to the situation and protect both your farm and the magnificent elephant that has ventured onto your land.
Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Survive-a-Charging-Elephant
by: Sir~benk