A media personality named Njenga Njeru shared a video on his YouTube channel where a lady named Teresiah Wambui narrated her life journey and how she is in need of a marriage partner. Teresiah was born and raised in Loitoktok but she currently resides in Rongai.

Teresiah is 49 years old and is single but she is currently looking for a husband. She was once married but the marriage ended for she could not bear children for her husband. Teresiah has been single because of her inability to give birth but she said she has accepted herself and her situation. Teresiah is having hopes that there might be a man who is looking for a woman like her. She said she is at the menopause stage and there is no way she can give birth.

Teresiah is looking for a man who is God fearing and of the age of 56 upto 60 years. She added that she needs a man who is having a family of his own and she will take care of the man’s family as her own. Teresiah went on to say that she loves family life but unfortunately she has not been blessed with a family of her own.

Teresiah said her situation is quite challenging but she has already come to accept herself the way she is. She encouraged women who cannot bear children by telling them to accept their situations and trust that they will find partners to live with. Watch the full story in the video below.

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