Since many people are having financial difficulties, the evil-approved among us have resorted to burglaries and breaking into people’s homes on the guise of being hungry and desperately in need of money.

In this article, I’ll discuss six precautions you can take in the event that a burglar or armed robber breaks into your home and assaults you.

Given its potential usefulness, I’d be grateful if you could take a few minutes off your busy schedule to relax and read this post.

There are six things you need to do if a burglar armed with tools breaks into your house.

You should, as before, switch off all the lights in the house, including those in your bedroom, living room, and dining room, if you suspect that an intruder has entered your home or hopped your fence. Look at the house from the outside: let it get completely dark inside. The perpetrator will first and foremost be unable to observe you from the outside or determine your specific location.

  1. Proceed with caution: it’s possible that I didn’t actually start yelling, despite what many people may think. Do not worry; you are not doing anything improper. Activating your home and car alarms is all that’s needed for immediate preventative action; in fact, a car alarm is the most effective, as it will cause the cheat or offender to flee in terror.

If your vehicle has a greater range, you can use your inaccessible to make it start horning suddenly, and I swear to you that the lawbreakers will be jolted to their cores and your home will have their attention.

You shouldn’t always freeze and start screaming; instead, you should keep an eye on the criminal or cheat from outside your window to determine whether it’s fair for one person or a group of people. You can use this to better organise your strategy and decide whether or not to launch an attack.

Turning off the lights in the house is a good first step, but you should also call 911 or the police as soon as possible to report the incident and provide details. Don’t wait for a burglar to pound on your door and demand that you call the police.

  1. If you are able to do so safely, escape the house after turning out the lights; this will make it harder for the intruder to track your movements as you try to get out. You can now use your secret exit if it is the safest way to get away. Even if it means you will only be injured, it is preferable than being dead.

Once you’ve determined that the offender is unarmed or alone, step six is to acquire a weapon and figure out where you’ll hide so you can surprise him or her with a blow. Moreover, aim for soft spots like his cheeks, eyes, and head to incapacitate him before the authorities arrive.


by: Westkid

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