Mike Mondo spoke about the hot topic of caning in schools that has recently been touted by Education CS George Magoha.
Mr. Magoha has championed the reintroduction of caning back in schools to curb the rising cases of indiscipline among students. That prompted Mike to ask Kenyans whether caning should be re-introduced?
Mwalimu King’ang’i himself agreed saying, “My opinion is kiboko irudishwe!”
The topic brought about a lot of comments from Kenyans who had a lot to say on such a divicise topic. Some of the responses are below:
Shida ya kiboko nikuzoea wakisha zoea kiboko wanasumbua zaidi mostly high school students they should look for another alternative.
We cannot be advocating for respect and upholding of Human Rights at same time embrace corporal punishment.
Discipline issues at the school level are emanating from our homes, 21st century parenting has issues. We should instead advocate 4 parenting 101 classes
Pain infliction doesn’t help in rectifying one behavior. As society we are past that. New error new tactics.
You will not understand what teachers go through in those schools in the name of child rights.
Mtu achape wangu…This Magoha I`ll deal with you. Randomly…
If it doesn’t, the students will start caning teachers.
Cane a child and he/she won’t forget the right path… Caning won’t kill the child…
Is there caning at home? We cant give birth to kids, fail to discipline them at home then expect teachers to cane them to instill discipline in them. Parents, discipline your kids at home to stop canning in schools. Again: “Its illegal custody when state becomes the parent.
Unachapa mtoto kwani ni ng’ombe? Just talk to your kids that’s enough.
Watoto watandikwe wakuwe na kichwa mzuri kama sisi.
Mi ntachapa wangu, we endelea kuongea siku moja atakuja kukunyorosha.
That’s how it’s supposed to be
It’s biblical. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
We should cane these children. Wewe kama mzazi mtoto huanza kukuzoea.
It is irrational to whoop your kids instead of making them understand what they did is wrong.
Most of the time I was beaten I was never told what was the consequences of my action.
Adults should mature up and talk with kids.
Parents have lost their role as head of the family.
These teachers will kill our kids out of their stress!! Talk to them, let them listen they will obey! Caning ain’t a solution, it only instills fearing them!
I can imagine! Just imagine a sane teacher hitting a child finger’s with a cane until they get a surgery surely?Some teachers revenge their frustrations with children!
Kama tulichapwa ndo tuko hapa tulivyo hao Ni nani…Bora isipite mipaka.
Kiboko irudi kabisa.
Mbona uchape mtoto?
No.. A teacher cnt chapa a kid everywhere.
The reason the caning was restricted is coz most teachers are suffering from mental related issues, financial, matrimonial & midlife crisis na ni hatari kwa usalama ya wanafunzi.
Never ever!!I’ve never forgotten my life in prymo how Mr and Mrs Mwangi used to beat us until you can’t sit or hold a pen!! These teachers come to school with stress from home they gonna kill our children!! No way!!
There’s nothing like debating hii kiboko irudi kabisaa,,,sisì they used to beat us even an hour and we didn’t die,,,so hawa wapewe despline ile ya kitambo waache kiburi na hiyo courage ya kupiga walimu na kuchoma shule,,,,,,
Watoto wachapwe, we are who we are today because of the punishment we got while learning.
Shida ya kiboko nikuzoea wakisha zoea kiboko wanasumbua zaidi mostly high school students they should look for another alternative.
Parents have lost their role as head of the family.
Unalimwa in advance, ama ukikaa sana bila kuchapwa unapangiwa.
We cannot be advocating for respect and upholding of Human Rights at same time embrace corporal punishment.
Discipline issues at school level are emanating from our homes, 21st century parenting has issues. We should instead advocate 4 parenting 101 classes.
Was called to school due to disciplinary issue with my son. Tulionge na deputy head teacher and his class teacher and they explained everything. My son was called and he confirmed everything I was told was true. Ile vita nilimwingia, hawakujua pipe ilitoka wapi.
Imagin if ourselves we were not disciplined while growing up?? Tunge survive kweli..
Canes should be re-introduced in schools and teachers to be given risk allowance, firearms for their safety and car grants.
Eeeeh… Wuueh… I schooled in a kenyan private school a.k.a academies… Wah… There is a time I was caned for just failing a question… 50 strokes.