The electoral commission says it registering an average of 2,000 per county per day in the month-long listing that started on Monday.
Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission CEO Ezra Chiloba on Wednesday said they were upbeat the number would rise.
“The commission is pleased with the turnout and interest from Kenyans in this exercise,” he told journalists at IEBC headquarters at Anniversary Towers, Nairobi.
However, Mr Chiloba said the commission would not accept waiting cards to register voters despite calls by politicians to rope in many youth without IDs.
The law, he said, no longer allows them to use waiting cards.
“We do not use waiting cards for registration of voters, and this is following the amendments on the elections Act,” he said.
“The logic is also very simple, there is no ID number on the waiting card and yet you are telling the same person to register with the waiting card. So there is some disconnect and potential for abuse.”
Waiting cards are simply certificates given to applicants of national identity cards as proof of application.
But they only bear serial numbers as not every application is successful.
Previously, IEBC registered voters with these slips for voters to provide full details during registration verification.
But the Elections Act was amended to remove that possibility.
It means many potential voters who lack IDs will have just under three weeks to look for them.
The commission launched a campaign on Monday to register new voters as well as help those who want to shift their polling stations by February 14.
It is targeting six million new voters and both Jubilee and opposition leaders have set out to rally their supporters to list.
Meanwhile, voters in Mandera East and Lafey constituencies will participate in the August elections using the boundaries IEBC drew in 2012, Mr Chiloba said.
He said they adopted the new map after the Court of Appeal quashed High Court verdict that had opposed the new boundaries.


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